The Brigid Alliance: Test & Learn
Doubling End of Year revenue by testing & learning

The Brigid Alliance offers a critical service: getting people to the abortions they need, whatever it takes. But with the cost rising as abortion bans force people to travel further, Brigid looked to us to help generate online income. We partnered with them, proudly, for this End of Year push — launching a full-funnel campaign to acquire donors at scale.


In June 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, dismantling 50 years of federal reproductive protections. It sparked outrage, and many looked for tangible ways to contribute to the cause. Brigid’s brand was elevated by press coverage and celebrity endorsements, creating a spike in Search behaviors and year-end giving. But the engagement was temporary. In the months that followed, social engagement dropped by as much as 97%. Without a media moment to create a buzz, the 2023 End of Year campaign would need to take a very different approach.


We took control of the situation to build sustainable momentum ourselves, removing dependence on external factors like coverage or “emergency” moments. Crafting a novel, immersive web experience, we nurtured awareness and consideration in the build up to End of Year. Then, using tried and tested digital fundraising tactics, we turned this into action through a conversion campaign that drove donations through December.

The Campaign Strategy

Our end of year campaign had four phases.

Craft the Narrative

The landing page needed to make a clear, informative and compelling case for giving. Coming out of 2023, we knew personal stories had huge impact in helping to articulate the issue, how Brigid helps and the significance of that support.

We created a webpage to take the user through that journey, focusing on price-point messaging that showed a potential donor exactly what their donation makes possible.

Build Awareness

A Display campaign pitted brand messaging against tangible impact framing, serving more than 100K impressions to hyper-relevant audiences, discovered through social listening.

The result? We exceeded the industry CTR benchmark by over 40%, building an engaged pool of potential supporters to retarget with lower-funnel campaigning actions.

Test & Learn

To build on the awareness, we launched a Lead Gen campaign on Meta, asking the Public to stand in solidarity with Brigid’s mission. We tested an in-platform sign-up form against an immersive content experience, with an email capture pop-up to see which journey was most cost-effective long-term.

As hypothesized, we determined that while Meta forms were most effective for sign ups, those who converted directly on Brigid’s website after being warmed up with an engaging experience were more likely to go on to donate to the cause — making web form journeys our priority.

Test & Learn

Finally, we turned awareness into action, upscaling spend to convert supporters as End of Year drew closer. We tested journeys and creative across Google Search and Meta, optimizing to what worked best.

The outcome? We raised more than $92K, outperforming Giving Tuesday ROAS by 10x and doubling Brigid’s Paid Media income from 2022, even without a media moment to rely on.

Key Insights

With test and learn at the heart of activity, we generated huge insight across the campaign.

Gradually entering supporters into the brand messaging 
drove results

While broader brand messaging worked best at the start of the user journey on Display, content that clearly illustrated the tangible services provided by Brigid performed on Meta as we nurtured audiences down the funnel.

Older audiences were the most likely to donate

While 35-44s showed the strongest conversion on soft Lead Gen asks such as our Meta lead forms, older audiences had the strongest ROAS on donate ads, suggesting a longer-term journey is needed to prime younger audiences to donate.

Shorter user journeys aren’t always better

While it was more cost effective to secure a lead via an in-platform Meta form, with its shorter path to conversion and a lower cost per acquisition, taking people to Brigid’s website to learn more about the need and their part in the solution nurtured stronger donation rates.

We look forward to continuing the good work through 2025.


EOY income










