The Brigid Alliance
Modernizing and clarifying The Brigid Alliance brand

The Brigid Alliance’s mission is to fund, plan, and book travel for those in need of abortions. With the overturn of Roe v. Wade, millions of people will soon need to travel, some for very long distances, to get an abortion. The Brigid Alliance needed a brand and website that provides clarity and comfort to their clients and instills urgency and purpose in their donors.


As the need for The Brigid Alliance’s work grew with the rise of abortion restrictions, they needed a brand that told their story more clearly. They wanted to convey not just the travel logistics and funds they provide, but also the emotional support. In doing this, they hoped to deepen their connection with clients and donors and carve out their niche within the greater abortion movement.


This new brand would come to life throughout their communications, including on an updated website and through more digital-friendly assets.


After workshops defining what their team most wanted from a new brand, we got to work. While keeping the logo to maintain familiarity with existing supporters, the new visual identity brought more warmth and inclusivity into The Brigid Alliance’s brand. Through illustrations and updated content, the website tells a clear story of The Brigid Alliance and how they are helping people at one of the scariest moments in abortion access history.


Through surveys and workshops, we dove into the perspectives on the brand from key stakeholders across the organization. To collaboratively envision the brand they wanted, we conducted a series of workshops to help position The Brigid Alliance–defining what they liked, where there were differences in opinion, and how to bridge those.


To fit the different levels of branding expertise and different learning styles, we facilitated a creative calibration workshop. In it, board members and staff helped define the brand identity through their reactions to both visual and written directions.
With those parameters, we went to work. The new brand strives to balance the urgency of the moment for donors and the need for comfort and actionable information for individuals in need of their services. With organic shapes and a palate of softer green and vibrant colors, the brand seeks to welcome and warm everyone who sees it.


What does Brigid do and how can I help? The Brigid Alliance website needs to answer the questions right away. To clearly tell their story, we used illustrations to convey both the emotional support from Brigid staff and the tangible services they provide. The design guides visitors through the site with soft waves encouraging movement and brighter accent colors drawing attention to important CTAs.

Visit The Brigid Alliance